Zoo City by Lauren Beukes

Category: Book Chosen for the Cover

I really don't read a lot of  urban fantasy, but this cover just grabbed me, and that is what this category is all about! I really enjoyed this. It was very well-written, and hard to put down. The language is pretty graphic at times as is the violence, which mostly happens in the second part of the book. It was set in an alternative Johannesburg "ghetto" in South Africa, though, so it wasn't really unnecessary, just too descriptive for me at times. The ending was sad, but still hopeful. Zoo City is the name of the ghetto where "Zoos", people who have committed a serious crime and have an Animal counterpart linked to them as a result. It has more to do with guilt of the individual than a specific crime. The magic system was very unique, at times creepy, but always engaging. I would really like to see a sequel to this book.


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